Subaru Impreza WRX 08-12 Quick Short Shifter
Racing Short Shifter Kit requires no changes to your transmission, but it will make gear selection feel more precise and predictable. It provides quicker shifting response by reducing the throw up to 60%* (depends on each different car model/year).
Car Model to fit:
Fit For SUBARU Forester 06-08 2.5L X/XT/BEAN/SPORT Manual/Standard
Fit For SUBARU Impreza 08-11 2.5L 2.5i/Premium Manual/Standard
Fit For SUBARU Impreza WRX 08-12 2.5L Turbo Manual/Standard
Fit For SUBARU Legacy 05-11 2.5L 2.5i/GT/SE Manual/Standard
Fit For SUBARU Outback 05-11 2.5L 2.5i/BASE/XT Manual/Standard